Relationships and Gum

Q. Busy: So I was thinkin...

Q Double: Aww hell.

Q. Busy: *sips Crown Black* Nah straightup, you gon feel me on this. I'm gettin deeper than Barry White watching The Wire at the bottom of the ocean on this one. Bear witness.

Q Double: *stonefaced expression* Indeed... Proceed.

Q. Busy:

Relationships are like chewing gum. In the beginning it's all fresh and new and sweet. But eventually, like all gum does, it loses its flavor.

So what do you do? Do you continue to remain faithful to that piece of gum or do you replace it with another piece? I mean be real, your ass knew before you put that gum in your mouth that no sweetness would last forever. So why are you so surprised now that the newness is gone? I don't think people should chew gum unless they're fully aware that even the sweetest piece eventually becomes...not so sweet.

That's why I prefer mints. Mints are sweet til the end. And they let you know off the top, they won't stick around forever. But until the moment they're gone, they'll be as sweet from the first moment til the last.

Blow Pops for the win. Best of both.
Q Double: *thinking*

Q. Busy: *sips Crown Black*

Q Double: *scratches head*

Q. Busy: *leans back on the couch*

Q Double: I'm going to take that and get all the biddies wit it now!! Then you gets no credit. Straight nigga shit!!!

Q Busy: Indeed... Proceed.

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