Battle Cry

By: QBusy

“There is no spoon.” –Neo

Incredulous. Scribes.


Okay so ‘Scribes’ is easy enough, akin to ‘script', which involves writing. SUBscribe, DEscribe, INscribe. Moreover, seeing as this is a blog that one isn’t too hard to figure out.

scribe n. - A writer or journalist.

If you are an able-minded adult with an internet connection who didn’t know that one then you have a rocky road ahead of you here at I.S.—go on and kill yoself now, but not before deleting your browsing history. We don’t want a loved one to find this post open near your body and be named as an accessory to your suicide.

But what is this ‘Incredulous’ of which we speak? Glad you asked.

in·cred·u·lous adj. - unwilling to admit or accept what is offered as true; skeptical

So what then? Skeptical Writers?


Skeptical. Cynical. Paranoid. Smug. Self-righteous. Offensive. Outrageous. And maybe even a little dangerous…okay A LOT dangerous.

Actually we came VERY close to naming our beloved blog ‘Dangerous Scribes’ but then we figured some of you all would get it confused with—or even worse, figure it was inspired by—the movie ‘Dangerous Minds’. And that would be disastrous, because we all know that that movie sucked so much ass.

And yes Coolio, you fucking suck as well. But don't worry, you always did. Just take a little comfort in the thought of someone out there knowing that you still exist.

Anyway, where were we?

Yes...skeptical/incredulous. "Unwilling to admit or accept what is offered as true." NOT that which has been proven to be true, but what is OFFERED as true. In short, we march to the beat of our own drum kit over here. Free thought, open expression, unpopular opinions and thinking outside of the box is the basis upon which this blog was founded.

Jam-packed full of comedy, commentary, controversy and critiques, and boasting a mob of pissed-off writers from the Rotten Apple, Michigan and all the way to the Dirty South, “Incredulous Scribes” has arrived, and we got a lot of shit of our mind…U Mad??

Drop by and kick it with us often won't you.


H.N.I.C. said...

AHHHH Man!!! Glad to c we have some real shit for the ignorant folks ears...Can't wait to hear more, plus b able to throw some feedback at y'all...Damn, I've waited for a place where I can come rip some minds up, with my lethal tongue lashings...Q, I cant wait to let em know about these " Emotionally Fucked" ones, ya dig! Congrats n i will b a frequent reader n commentator of the blog... Jive Ass Turkey's

Anonymous said...

Coolio gone have ya'll niggas killed. We bang on fools like yall. Gangster's Paradise 4 LYFE bithces!!!