The Do's, Don'ts, How-To's, & All the Debate That Goes With Cuddling

-Cuddling: Inflected Form(s): cud·dledcud·dling \ˈkəd-liŋ, ˈkə-dəl-iŋ\
transitive verb: to hold close for warmth or comfort, or in affection
intransitive verb: to lie close or snug: nestlesnuggle
-          Courtesy of Merriam-Webster

That's what the word means. So from here on out we will use this definition and not the Urban Dictionary definition or what your interpretation of the word means. Use this as a guideline ladies and gents as what should be considered cuddling and what shouldn't. Take heed to these rules, for they come from peoples own experiences, stories, and all they been through. More than likely one of yours could be up here.

-Cuddling in many ways is much more intimate than actual intercourse. Don’t ever, EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER get caught in the cuddle position with your significant jump-off. This sends the wrong message. It will most definitely send the wrong message if you cuddle up with him/her after sex. Expect more phone calls, texts, and surprise house visits when you do this.

-Associating spooning with cuddling is the growing debate with many people. This is the conclusion that I feel is adequate: Spooning and cuddling are not the same thing. Spooning is what’s done to initiate the sex session. Consider it the undercard before the main event. Real simple: Spooning lays the groundwork for pipe work, which is trill talk right there. Cuddling just keeps your ass in the friend zone, and once you in the friend zone, there’s no coming out of that.

-Kill that "cuddle buddy" shit that you ladies use as an excuse to lay up with a guy. Then go home and smash out your man. For further detail please see Phonte of Little Brother's blog about such travesty. Because, I can go on about how much I hate that shit, but why should I?

-Watching a movie and laying up on his/her shoulder in a relaxed state, is not cuddling.

-Watching a movie and laying up on his/her shoulder in a relaxed state. Then proceed to the bedroom for "15 Minutes," then go back and repeat being in a relaxed state is cuddling.

-Cuddling can also emotionally fuck a girl up too. Guys these days, even back in the “good ‘ol days,” cuddle and don't even like the female like that. Not a good look. Have her thinking "ooh he holding me so strong, he going to make me his boo, his bay-bee." Nah girl, he just doing that to get you all wooed up so he can blow that back out. I love that saying "emotionally fucked up."

-This one is for the fellas. So ladies, you can skip this or take this advice with you to your man, cuddle buddy (I so hate that shit with a passion), side piece, whatever. Guys, sometimes a woman wants nothing more than to be held and feel the warmth of a man holding them. We, as men, sometimes hold a woman so we can get inside and feel the warmth of them. Its cool this is what we do, but it doesn’t always have to be about sex. Sometimes they just want to be held………………as long as the girl knows this will be the LAST time you're doing this cuddling shit without getting the draws.

-Some ladies like it when a guy calls randomly and says he just wants to come over and cuddle. I guess it’s one of those hidden mysteries in the woman’s biological, psychological, philosophical, and Oprah-logical makeup that they like that. Some say that it shows the side of a guy they would like to see and it’s not just about sex. If one of you guys happen to try that, let me know how that goes please.

-Calling him/her during booty call hours for him/her to come over just to cuddling. NAH!!!

-Calling him/her during booty call hours for him/her to come over just to make fuck. YEAH!!!!

-Moral of the Story: During booty call hours, hell any hour for that matter, you should be up front with yours. Don’t come through with that bullshit at 3am talking ‘bout “Hey can I come over just to get a hug?” GTFOHWTSABS!!!!!!

-Cuddling does not have to be emotional for a guy and it can be for a girl, or vice versa. So for that reason you should not assume that because he/she is holding on to you ever so tightly, that he/she will make you their boyfriend/girlfriend.

-In addition, don’t cuddle with someone you have no feelings and only want the comfort of him/her holding you. That’s shit is wrong and that’s that cuddle buddy shit once again.

-If during sex, he/she stops in the middle of it and begins to cry, then asks to be held. That’s not cuddling in the least bit. That’s some serious issues. I recommend picking up all you clothes and bouncing, and then meet up with your peoples at a Waffle House or someplace to tell them what happened.

I hope you take serious decision when deciding what cuddling is and isn’t. When it all comes down to it, it all is based off of have much you care for that person, how much of a sucker the person is if he/she thinks if they cuddle they smashing, or just perception. Oh wait…………………some of yall wondering: “Hey Q, I get the ‘Do’s and Don’ts’, I feel you. But what about the ‘how-to’ man? I need to know what’s the special arm move or the sweet nothings I should whisper in their ear. C’mon man, teach me some moves!!!!!” I don’t know what to tell you ‘bout that one people. The how-to is based off how you feel like approaching it. I mean, DAMN, I got to hold your hand when crossing the street…


Anonymous said...

As a female, I disagree with "Cuddle buddies" uggh NO Bueno!!.... If there are NO feelings involved don't put yourself in that situation.


Anonymous said...

As a designated 'cuddle buddy', I'm perfectly content being that warm body that my female friend needs to snuggle up to when she's craves contact.

I sometimes even remain on standby and when her actual fuck friend stops by to provide a sweat towel and a glass of ice water in case he gets a bit worked up.

Anonymous said...

I think this cuddle blog is true and very humorous! My favorite part:

-Watching a movie and laying up on his/her shoulder in a relaxed state, is not cuddling.

-Watching a movie and laying up on his/her shoulder in a relaxed state. Then proceed to the bedroom for "15 Minutes," then go back and repeat being in a relaxed state is cuddling.

This is my first time on here and I will return to see the up and coming topics... You've got a fan :-)


Moe Skillz said...

Quite informative and Hi-Larious to say the least. I can see how some lames could easily misconstrue the difference between cuddling and relaxing on his/her shoulder. LMAO!! This is why it is imperative to assess the situation before you do either of the aforementioned. You know you got these "SFL"(Sucker for love)ass dudes/chicks out there who get emotionally attached at the touch of a nipple. This is the reason I keeps it extremely simple. If there will be no smashing, there will be no cuddling or relaxing on my shoulder, point blank. This means we're just friends and me and my friends dont do either!!! NOW, pass the Goose and lets get this friendly visit poppin!! Im out.

Moe Skillz
Let's MaF*ckn Go Baby!!!

Anonymous said...

This shit is funny... and so true..
Who in the HELL wants a cuddle buddie... Come on, thats just a "BIG" tease.... Shit, all I want is for him to come and give me some ass and go.... Cuddle, nah.. hellz noooo...... Then your asken him to be more than just a fuck buddie.... just give me what I want and go back too your buisness.... and "Crave some contact" and even stays on "Standby" like the other guy said ... Your a "FOOL".... Come on you really think she is gonna give that pieace of ass too you... oh.. wait maybe someday... Sucker... You make me laugh... Cuddle up wit your pillow... DumbAss....

Anonymous said...

Interesting (n funny).....well very simply ,I feel that in an actual monogamous COUPLE situation, cuddling is essential....on the other hand in a union that is a bit less "formal" ,none of that shit is necessary. Both parties should know their role, unless cuddling is a COMMON desire...