Kiss me, feel the fireworks, watch the sky/I make you smile, but you’d rather have what makes you cry.
-Tupac Shakur (Jon B ‘Are You Still Down’)
Disclaimer: I’m not even supposed to be writing about this shit. Snugg and Q Double, this is more of their thing. There are plenty of dumb things out there happening right now that I, Q. Busy, could be ridiculing, satirizing or making fun of. But instead I’m here. Writing ANOTHER an article about—of all things—relationships.
To all of our faithful readers, yes, all three of you, I apologize in advance if this comes across as redundantnessousity (word I just made up). But this topic gives us SO fuckin much material that I don’t think it’ll ever tire upon us.
Q Double:
Whatever son, just hurry the hell up. It’s just about time you returned with a proper article. That “Relationships and Gum” shit barely even qualified as a tweet.
Q. Busy:
Fuck off. Tweet deez nigga.
So sit back, relax, catch a contact, sip ya Cognac.
I present to you.
The Circularity of Damaged Relationships
All men are dogs. Men ain’t shit. All men cheat. Once a hoe, always a hoe…Coolio sucks.
Okay I added that last one in myself, but you get the point.
We hear these phrases all the time. Whether it be in music, television, movies or your latest voicemail message. The tale of the tired, philandering, trifling, no-good man is as often repeated as Baby Boy and ATL on BET.
Not that I would know anything about watching BET because it fucking sucks balls.
Anyway, so often we hear it that we become numb to it. And by WE, I only mean WOMEN. And eventually, after enough repeat verbal conditioning and lessons learned the hard way, WOMEN actually begin to believe these phrases to be fact.
But come on. Just how stupid is that? ALL men are cheaters?! How the fuck you know? Have you met and dated all men?
No? Well shut the fuck up and keep reading while I school yo ass, you might learn something. And if it’s not too late for you, you might actually have time to change yourself and whatever it is that attracts you to toxic ass men and them to you.
It Starts Early
Women, chances are, the prettier you are the MORE this section of the article will apply to you. I don’t know why, it’s just the way it is. So if you’re ugly you can either choose to skip ahead to a later part of the article that I haven’t yet typed. Or maybe I’ll just leave a large blank spot further down that you could stare at and wish that it was your dream guy staring back you and singing you sucka-ass Boys II Men songs. Who knows, I haven’t decided yet.
On second thought I actually DO know why this section of the article applies more to pretty women. Prettier women naturally have more options when choosing a mate, because men are visual creatures. Women on the other hand are more attracted to power, dominance, and things like social standing. So basically a man could look like this guy:

AND be the biggest asshole on his side of town, and women are gonna want him if OTHER women want him.
And what do other women want? What are they attracted to? Power, dominance, and things like social standing. Damn, didn’t I just say this shit?
It starts early. As early as elementary school. Little 8-year-old girls are attracted to the best dressed asshole in class, or maybe the asshole who could run the fastest, or perhaps even the asshole who could fight well and stayed in trouble—the rebellious asshole.
These patterns of attraction follow you right up through adolescence and into high school. All the while, you’ve been ignoring the studious straight-laced guys. They weren’t exciting or challenging enough. And it’s not that you didn’t even find them physically attractive. It’s just that OTHER women didn’t want them, so automatically you don’t want them either. Because even though we all know women secretly hate each other, all of that fuck-the-haters rhetoric aside, they still care about what each other thinks.
Q. Busy:
Damn, maybe I’m being too harsh on all women. I mean, I know that they’re merciless with their “Men ain’t shit” rantings, but two wrongs don’t make a right. Maybe I should ease off a bit.
Q Double:
Yo, whatever Eddie Kang-from-The Five Heartbeats. They get their shine every time a Beyonce record is played. Every time a Terry McMillian book is sold, every time ‘Girlfriends’ is on.
Q. Busy:
Yeah, no doubt, you right. I was just sayin the other da— Wait, who the FUCK is Eddie Kang?
Q Double:
Son you know Eddie Kang! “A Heart is a House” Eddie Kang. Two wrongs don’t make a right/But tonight is the night I kept you guessing, Eddie Kang.
Q. Busy
Maaaaan fuck you AND Eddie Kang. Any way where was I?
So basically you women ignore the good guys in favor of assholes. Pretty faced assholes, assholes with money, assholes with a nice car, the “25-year-old and you’re only 16 asshole”. And LIKE an asshole, he treats you as a woman gets treated by an asshole.
- He cheats.
- Openly flirts with other women.
- Never calls when he says.
- Listens to Coolio.
- Lipstick on his collar.
- Hotel receipts.
- His penis inside of another woman’s body, still attached to his body.
- Gets another woman pregnant.
- Steals money outta your purse.
- Jacks off to tranny porn.
- Has a 3-way with your mother and sister.
- Gets into a driveby shootout in your car which has you shot at by a rival gang the following week.
You know. Typical assholish behavior.
He hurts you over and over again. And over and over again you forgive him. Until he does the unforgiveable. He leaves you for a fat white woman.
Black women hate this.
Dating a “Good-Guy”
So now, unknown to you, you’re emotionally fucked up and ruined. Finally you begin dating good guys but you bring your “asshole” baggage and you don’t trust men anymore. So you start searching for dirt on the good guy and if you don’t find any you just suspect that he’s a good liar or cheater. Until one day, you find something minor. It could be anything. You know, tiny insignificant shit.
And with these tiny morsels of “evidence” you blow it out of proportion because you figure, “Where there’s smoke…” So you switch up and get all easily agitated at every little thing and making life hard for your good guy.
You withhold sex or you’re cold to him, because now you’re SURE that “all men ain’t shit.” So, feeling alienated and pushed away by you he finally DOES cheat because another lady actually showed some interest in him and built him up instead of tearing him down all the time.
How Can You Fix It?
The hell if I know…women are complicated. Besides, this is all the time I have for today. What’s really gonna blow your mind though is that once upon a time, all of these assholes were ONCE good guys. Guess nice guys really do finish last. What a world of difference it makes when instead of chivalry and manners you just ignore her and remain rude, huh? Turns out, women respond better to that shit. And that folks is The Circularity of Damaged Relationships.
Q Double:
Word to Eddie Kang.
As Promised
As promised here is a giant, blank space for all the ugly ladies to stare at while humming your favorite Boys II Men song. If you need a BIIM member to fantasize about, pick Mike (BASS).
Mike would barely even sing. He’d just stand there with his cane and wait for the bridge or everyone else to stop whining to do his little “Baby why’d you leave me” talks.
They always started off the same way too. “Baby…Why’d you ever have to go? I never meant what I did. Blah, blah, blah, blah………Just come back to me. The End.”
What he didn’t know is, his “Baby” was somewhere getting gangbanged by Mr. Dalvin and Devante Swing while he was pouring his heart out to her. She just stuffed some pillows under her blankets to make it look like she was asleep in bedroom that Mike snuck in through the window.
Absolutely right! I've had friends that dated man after man and would come back and say the same old, "he aint no good and I aint neva seein his ass no more" Two days later driving around with the guy after he does one nice thing (just because he is trying to get back into her draws) and she allows it. The vicious cycle continues until she is feed up and when a good man comes around she treats him like dirt and then wonders why it didn't work out or has some story built in her head about something he must have been secretly doing... No maybe when he said he was out with the guys, HE ACTUALLY WAS. I lot of women have trust issues and I'd say the few that claim they don't are just in denial. Part of it comes from that one "emotional fuck up" or many. And part of it comes from Media. Yes Beyonce can say "To the left to the left", why? because she has Jay Z on her arm. That doesn't mean we can all do it. When you say to the "To the left, to the left" you're just by yourself now. Not all men are worthless sons of bitches that cheat and have 15 baby mommas and have been in and out of prison 5 times and the IQ of a 4th grader. There are plenty of good men out there. Do what seems like the impossible, start every new relationship with a clean slate and take each new man for who they are and not who you assume them to be (remember when you assume you make an ass out of you and me). Don't hold on to the past because the past sure isn't gonna keep you company...
I've figured it out Parris. Women, don't really want to be happy. If they ever truly were happy, their heads would explode outta pure confusion and the need for discontentment in their lives.
I hate to admit it but this, whatever u wanna call it, has fact in it and I can actually relate to it. Maybe I should give the good guy a chance and not shit on him before he ever does anything wrong. Thank u Dr. Phil you might've just saved one lost soul lol. "Always guilty before the sin" Usher "His mistakes". Imma repost this on my Facebook in hopes that other females see the light
Typical convo with a female:
Girl: I can't understand why I keep getting these asshole guys who dog me all the time.
Me: It's not them it's you.
Girl: Well they the ones that get where I'm coming from and I like that type.
Me: Then you like to have the fucked-up mindset then. The common denominator is you. Fix you.
Females, and males too, don't seem to understande that though.
I agree with the post and Parris'comment all the way.
The problem is that our brains isn't evolving as fast as society. First off we are not built for marriage. Women want the best genes for her children and that so happens to be by taking another female's man (we are lazy what can I say) And men want to spread it all genes, legs, cheeks...
We feel and act on emotions in the pituitary (sorry if i lose you... im getting to a point..)but we think with our frontal lobe...
but unfortunately the two areas don't connect directly. aka reason conflicts with primal urges... get it?
But let's get real...
Men cheat, it's thier nature... but so do women.
Men are assholes... but so are women. got that.
Women... how sexy is a man we can step all over... not so much. get me?
We have to be honest with ourselves as women and as men (coming from a woman who is coming out of a relationSH*T and whose pituitary is in a death match with her frontal lobe... (eh ima geek))What do we really want? tons of pussy? security? children? when u got ur answer then look for a man who potrays that. D.Flay from way back who is still clubbing and popping bottles on tits prolly isn't ready for a family right now...
Lmao!!! Q double and Co. Y'all keep it 100er (made up word) than most. I feel like we're all cut from the same cloth. Churccch (even tho I don't go much).
Peace to Rock, Michelle, Aeisha and others to comment. To Michelle, this is the thing...we humans, being as evolved and intelligent as we are, like to pretend that we're these "higher and enlightened" beings, but ultimately we're just animals with animal needs and desires.
To fuck and to fight.
And like a lion in the jungle. without doing EITHER, we wouldn't have survived as a species this long.
It's when we get away from nature, and "become civilized and socialized", that the thought of a male lion banging two female lions up the ass in less than 24 hours leaves us in awe.
Simply put, I don't think humans, by nature, are built for monogamy--even though i embrace it. But socially, monogamy (or at least the pursuit of it among other social norms) is what separates us from beasts in the wild.
So Michelle, I agree with your very nerdy assessment. Now I'm going to tune into National Geographic in hopes of catching some hot lion porn.
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