But what about you Mr/Mrs "Adult?" If you are in fact a grown ass man or woman, why are you trying to imitate these youngsters out here? Just because they are out here following the latest pop culture trend, what makes it cool for you--a grown ass man or woman--to follow suit? Oh, that's right. There's this rousing, inspirational saying that's motivating you right now.
What's that shit again? "Crack is whack?"
No that's not it. Wait, wait I got it: "A mind is a terrible thing to waste." Nooo, no not it either. Aha, I got it---
"Forty is the new 30."
So with this logic does it mean that you—your older self—are given license to revert back to your younger more immature ways? Or does it mean that the age of forty is just now more hip than it used to be? Sadly, many people will interpret and have interpreted it to mean the former.
Wait, wait hold up. So if 40 is the new 30 and 30 is the new 20 then really you ACTUALLY can act even younger than how you're supposed to. So now, you're dressing and acting 20 years younger than yourself, but you still want to be respected as a grown ass adult.
Okay then.
And this is what it's about, the power of the media and how easily people are influenced by pop stars and public figures who are THEMSELVES slaves to the industry in which they operate. There a very few trendsetters or genuine trailblazers these days. Just a bunch of weak-minded people muhfuckas who need to be associated with what's "cool." When in reality, you being a grown ass man or woman can be the realest thing that you can possibly be.
I was raised with the knowledge—as most of us have, (if not kill yo'self)—that you should respect your elders. Well sometimes these elders nowadays have such smart ass mouths because they think they know everything in the fucking book. I can't stand those types. And I always got to prove them wrong. What I'm speaking of is having a respect for them because they been through possibly with what we are going through. Sometimes they can offer some advice to help you stay sharp and make it through.
I'm all for everybody getting together and all, but when you the adult have to dumb down yourself just so can be respected by us, the younger generation, it makes you look like a fool and you lose all credibility. How many times are we at the club and you see the older person trying to stay "hip" with their faded jeans, with the shirt tucked all the way down to the nut sack, and an ol' school, Willie Dynamite hat?
I'm not endorsing the "Let the Kids Be Kids and the Old Heads Need to Mind Their Old Ass Business" campaign. Nah, not in the least bit. What I AM speaking on is that this whole new school mentality that is going on. Because that whole saying can make you lose your self-worth and you don't take ownership to who you are.
You are who you are, point blank. I can see it soon when people are going to say being 20 is the new 10. Why would you want to be 10-19 again? That's just messed up acne, embarrassing public erections, bad haircuts, high school, and never making it pass 2nd base with your lame ass "Hooked on Phonics" lines.
Hell, I fear that some of you may already reverted back there---or never left.
It's pathetic...U always c that "Old Coon" sitting in the club, staring all the young ones down...Thinking they r still fly, when the truth is they were played out since the "GUMBY"...C'mon son, bein "Cool" is weak...jus anotha emotional sick muthafucka..."Living in their 2nd childhood's"...
I'm just sayin. I feel you and all Q Double. But can't nodamnbody on Earth (or any other planet) tell me, that that old nigga in that pic above ain't cold chillin.
Big Daddy Kane in 1988 chillin.
Biggie in Total's "Can't You See" chillin.
And them shades?! BAUCE!
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