-Chuck D. "Bring The Noise"
In our second part of "Q. Busy Answers Viewer Mail" we navigate the murky waters of the BP oil spill, provide some insight on workplace relationships and we may or may not find out a bit more of the personal sides of our until-now pretty secretive Incredulous Scribes.

Daquan, while I can't speculate on the entire set of events which preceded the explosion and triggered the oil spill, I can say that there's NO WAY that they intended for this mess to occur. And not because they're this philanthropic/humanitarian company that cares about the planet and all. But because this is fuckin up their MONEY, that's why! You've seen the video I'm sure of all the oil being lost at sea. Massive. MASSIVE losses.
No one's that diabolical. Nah, not to be fuckin up their money just to make an evil point. I haven't seen L's that great since 50 Cent's last album.
So no, my beef isn't with BP entirely they just need to stop draggin ass with the relief efforts and get this shit done. I know that you all are expecting me to go in on BP like every e-Revolutionary with an internet connection, but I'm not gonna do that. Fact is, BP is just another multi-billion corporation doing what multi-billion dollar corporations do--getting money at your expense. No I don't think that they ever intended for this to get so outta hand. YES, I think they should pay dearly for this.
However, just like any other business--large or small--they would not survive without the patronage from you the people. And with that said, I'll reserve my venom not for BP, but for the masses and masses of people who bitch and moan online and in the weekly news polls about the evils of BP but yet you and others like you still pull your trilflin asses up to their pumps to fill up once a week.
An ecological disaster of this magnitude barely excites the masses. But Tiger Woods and Jesse James go out and get them some sideline action and ya'll wanna march and have them publicly stoned.
Moral: FUCK BP, and pick your battles better.

G-Mizzle my good man. Allow me to say this. If you’re wild about the possibility of your nuts being found somewhere in Atlanta Underground your head buried near Stone Mountain and what remains of your body being scattered across Dekalb, the go on and get with this “piece”. If that doesn’t excite you, then you run for your muthafuckin life! Lemme guess, she told you that she wouldn’t ever tell anyone huh? Prolly got you gassed up about how she got that ‘good’ and you ‘can’t handle her’, got you damn near ready to poke a hole in something.
My guess is also by now is that your little flirty office exchanges have also made their way from the confines of that building and into the form of text messages right?Stop me when I’m wrong.
C’mon dude are you really gonna put your trust in a woman that would so readily cheat on her husband? Let her man find those messages and see how quickly she throws your ass under the MARTA Bus.
Her: I don’t know where he got my number from. Must have been one of those women at work. I told him to stop texting me!
Her Husband: Okay baby. You stay here, I’ll be back. I’m going to cut this nigga’s nuts off and bury his head near Stone Mtn.
Her: Okay. Bring me back a Twix and a Arizona Pink Lemonade.
My advice, “Don’t be mad, UPS is hiring.”
Moral: Time to change jobs.

Thanks for your letter. We get this question all the time, so allow us to set the record straight on just who is who in the banner art.
Actually...NONE of the four faces you see pictured above are any writers for ‘Incredulous Scribes’. When designing the banner we Googled phrases like 'trill', ex-convicts’ and ‘criminally insane’ and of the image results, the aformentioned four photos were the most popular by far.
*takes a shot*
Okay I'm lying. I'll tell you who is who...As you mentioned, the sole current female thus far is Snug, she's easy enough.
Q Double, he's the one with a MAC-10 four bootleg copies of 'Black Dynamite' tucked into his waistband.
Q. Busy, he's the one wearing a pair of Grant Hill, Filas and watching clips of 'The Mack' on YouTube.
Matrix is, incredibly incredibly high.
Moral: Ummm...I got nothin.
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